I can't help but feel a heavy N.O.L.A influence listening to this album in the vein of Jimmy Bower
These 5 lads are well seasoned and compliment each others playing by weaving in and out of riff after riff pummeling you with 8 songs of sonic enjoyment, might I add the song Deadbeat Dad Beat Dead is one clever title!
Its also nice to see some shorter songs coming out for a change, not that I don't like 40 minute 3 song albums, but I can appreciate a well crafted song inside 4 minutes and Battalions does just this, good songs that keep you wanting more.
Nothing to Lose was recorded by Chris Fielding (Conan
It looks like their first run of pre-orders are running out so go get some!
Thank you for the kind words, much appreciated, respect to you. It means a lot. Thanks again! Matt Dennett, bass.