If you are looking for new Stoner Rock, Doom, Heavy Psych or Sludge Metal bands, then you have come to the right place.
Heavy Planet has been providing free promotion to independent and unsigned bands since 2008. Find your next favorite band at Heavy Planet.
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Hailing from Florida/USA: Nixa - listen to the first published track of their upcoming "Opus Tierra", highly recommended if you like Pallbearer, YOB, Crowbar or Neurosis... https://war-anthem-records.bandcamp.com/album/opus-tierra-2
Hailing from Florida/USA: Nixa - listen to the first published track of their upcoming "Opus Tierra", highly recommended if you like Pallbearer, YOB, Crowbar or Neurosis... https://war-anthem-records.bandcamp.com/album/opus-tierra-2
ReplyDeletesure glad to see this blog is still up & running...
ReplyDeleteback @ it again myself
Hello, something's brewing, have a see:
Hi, are you still accepting submissions for the Facebook page? If so, I have a new album for your consideration.