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Thursday, April 2, 2015

EP Review: 'Galactic Triceratops' by VAILS

At a quarter of the way through 2015, there has been a large amount of heavy classic rock influenced stoner passing through Heavy Planet towers, and as sweet as a lot of it is, we’ve just been waiting for something to shake things up, tear us a new one, bring us face to face with an otherworldly brutality of sludgyness: thank fuck for VAILS!

It has only been six months since their blistering two song demo was spread thick for us to hear, and now the ever growing superb label When Planets Collide (seriously how good is this label at the moment? Along with VAILS, there’s GURT, Mother Corona, PIST, Wort; seriously exciting stuff fromthe British label) have helped the band release a heavy, sharp, skull smashing EP in the form of the excellently named Galactic Triceratops, and it’s a hell of a beast to behold!

The Welsh duo (bassist/vocals Owen Street, drummer Matthew Ham) kick of the record with ‘Sally’s In Love’, showcasing a combination of doom vocals set over slow burning sludge lines that explode with the force of an army, and considering they’re a duo, that’s a hell of an impressive feet, you couldn’t even guess it was bass guitar led if I hadn’t just spoilt it for you before. Highlight of the record, and probably song title of the year, is ‘Megatron’s Telethon’ (told you) with it’s crushing riffs and suffocating vocals creating a euphoric moshing experience that just feels like adrenaline coarsing through your veins.

Much focus will be put on the fact that VAILS are a duo, which compared to other acts in the same field is an unusual thing, but what they lack in numbers, they make up for in every other aspect; the riffs are heavier, the songs are more brutal than most, and their waves of doom encompass your contorting soul. Galactic Triceratops is just what we needed to kick us right in the face, it’s a record that will make other bands raise their game, and the listeners smash something large.

Get the record for a pay-as-you-like from When PlanetsCollide now!


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