The heaviest duo on planet earth known as Talbot, come with their second full length release in the form of "Scaled" consisting of 7 mighty slabs of Sludge with thick lashings of Doom, Death, Stoner, psychedelia and post-metal.
Estonian's Magnus Andre on bass guitar, synths, vocals and Jarmo Nuutre on drums & vocals, Talbot are a very focused and hardworking couple of heavyman having toured consistently throughout Europe and worldwide since their first full length "EOS" and in that time have built a solid and dedicated following. They can count me as one of them as when I first picked up "EOS" I had it on near repeat for a week or so and it has now taken pride of place on my regular playlist ever since.
With "Scaled" Talbot have taken their already huge sound and have risen it to new far away dimensions of brilliance! What's on offer here are 7 tracks of deliciously psychedelic doomy sludge jammed out like they're Om's evil twin. From the outset of "Spectral Express" we are treated to captivatingly filthy riffs complimented by bashed out drums of perfection, soaring and uplifting vocals against death metal grunts and phlegmy growls and twisted electronic psychedelia that mangles Talbot's sound into a stunning sonic art work of brightly colored soundscapes.
The foundations are firmly laid by this track and by the end of the opener things are nicely settled setting you up for the following 6 tracks that continue in the same vein but explore the infinite levels of sludge metal with a craftsmanship that can only come from many long hours of constant bashing away at instruments.
Jaw dropping moments for me are "ShadowBird", a 12 minute journey through windy psychedelia, intuitive nodding riffs and tumbling percussion that builds to dirgy down-beat Death Metal sections until the track then lifts up to the spirit raising heights of Post-metal lusciousness and "Hallelucinogen", the albums closer is almost psychedelic Death Metal that lurches towards solemn church organs and shows Talbot at their most experimental.
Indeed "Scaled" is an experimental album which explores the myriad levels of Doom and Sludge without leaving behind most excellent bass riffs and precision drumming. The meat and potatoes are forever at the forefront whilst the heavy effects and psychedelic explorations are deftly inserted into the mix of Doom, Death, Sludge and Post-metal to leave Talbot as one of the most interesting bands currently of those genres.
Great band-name. Awesome artwork. Sooo much bloody bass. I love it!