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Sunday, April 1, 2012



This year's Championship Game features Tucson, AZ's crushing Sludge metal juggernaut Godhunter VS Westmont, NJ's pulverizing Stoner metal merchants Clamfight. Each band bulldozed it's way through the field of 64 to make it through to the final game. #8 seed Godhunter out of the Stoner Rock (West) Region found its way to the final by beating out heavily favored #1 seed Orchid, #9 seed Black Acid Devil, #12 seed The Mound Builders, #15 seed One-Eyed King and  knocked off #11 seed One Inch Giant from the Sludge (South) Region in the Final Four. Also a #8 seed out of the Psychedelic (North) Region, Clamfight beat #9 seed Madam Trashy, #16 seed Screaming Rattler, #12 seed Skrogg, #10 seed Ride To Ruin and #5 seed Naughty Mouse from the Doom (East) Region in the Final Four. Good luck to both teams. Let the game begin!

Voting begins on 4/1/2012 at 12:00 AM EST and ends on 4/2/2012 at 11:00 PM EST.


Thanks for voting in this year's tournament!

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  1. Just so everyone knows no one in Clamfight has been spamming this thing. Cheating on at an internet contest is just not our style. Our apologies to Naughty Mouse.

    1. I like how this is posted right before Clamfight's vote count doubles in an hour. Maybe you should change the band name to Spamfight?

    2. how about godhunter going up by a 100 votes in one min

    3. oh i'm sorry 266 votes in two mins now

    4. so its okay for clamfight to cheat, but not anyone else?

    5. Welcome to the music biz. Lesson learned? Probably not.

    6. Aaaaaaaaaaannnnnd Clamfight goes up 160 votes in one minute. Is this a battle of the bands or a battle of the band with the best hacker for a friend? Heavy Planet should maybe think about putting a captcha on the contest next year.

    7. As someone who has known the guys in Clamfight literally my entire life I can say that none of the guys in the band or their fans are good enough with a computer to hack or spam or whatever the fuck is going on here. Anybody stop to think that some asshole might have planted a virus or a worm in this thing, because this has been happening at random the whole contest. My name is James by the way.

  2. Does anyone else think it's weird that Clamfight has more votes than fans on their page?

    1. they have two pages and myspace clam down

  3. Damn people calm down. If you aren't in either band stop the negative comments. Both bands are incredible. RELAX.

    1. Joel guitar in ClamfightApril 1, 2012 at 7:58 PM

      agreed i'm in Clamfight and if the contest ended now thats ok. it was fun getting here listing to great great bands. Godhunter is amazing. i've voted for them the whole way to this point. were we just glad to take part in this and to sell a much of records for it. Thank you Heavy Planet. Joel H

    2. I am in Godhunter, and I agree with what Joel said here. This thing is just for fun, so let's keep it fun. Clamfight is badass. There's no need from negative comments from anyone. It was great exposure for all the bands and blogs involved, we all got turned on to some great music, and at the end of the day there is no prize, so there shouldn't be any drama. Big thanks to Heavy Planet and the Soda Shop for throwing this and having us on it. It's been a hell of a lot of fun.

    3. yeah it's just for fun! But on a serious note the bands in the Arizona scene stick together.

    4. To Joel- You voted for Godhunter the whole way and did not vote for your own band up until this point, that seems strange.

    5. This is the first time they have gone head to head and you could vote for one band per bracket before when there were multiple bands.

  4. Go Godhunter, not cheaters just a awesome band with awesome followers.

    1. Why thank you - what a nice thing to say! :)
      (I am a fa n)

  5. on the topic of if bands are cheating or not, obviously you don't go jumping 400 votes in the matter of a HALF HOUR.. i don't care how much anyone says its cause "my states scene bands stick together and our fans are awesome" that's crap and a half if they are so awesome then why did they pretty much OR why did the "fans" just cheat the ENTIRE way through all voting not just against clamfight. I don't know how godhunter got past the first round and i've been paying attention listening to all the bands..seriously..huh. So, in conclusion congrats (in advance) to godhunter for cheating, i mean winning...hooray!

  6. Wow. Straight up sour grapes in this place. Let's have a pity party. I don't see how getting people to vote is cheating. Isn't that the whole point of this contest? Anyway, there were some great bands in this thing. Everyone should he happy for the exposure they got, instead of crying and bitching because the bands they wanted to win got outvoted. Doesn't mean they're necessarily bad bands, they just didn't have the same push that others did.

    And, by the way, Godhunter fucking rules.

    1. no sour grapes and you have no ears.

    2. Well, it would seem I'm not alone in my opinion. In any case, getting that upset over a contest in which there isn't even a prize seems a little on the petty side. Gotta love anonymous assholes on the internet who don't believe anyone else is entitled to an opinion that differs from their own. Hahaha...

    3. Ears, have ears, you just do not know good music. Godhunter rules.

  7. Every time someone wins something, someone else loses, and they usually bitch about it. This is life. Don't take it too seriously, dudes.

  8. oh noes. someone might be better than someone else on the internet. throw a fit about it!

  9. Everyone get your panties unknotted and chill. Everyone's got an opinion, let it be. Let's all go do something actually productive than yell via posts.

  10. I didn't know either of these two bands before this contest. Both are fucking great. But I think we need to look up at what both David from Godhunter and Joel from Clamfight said. They both seem happy just to have gotten to this point and are happy with the exposure the bands got out of this contest. No one is winning here and you guys pointing fingers and shit are taking the fun out of this contest.

  11. Its all about the music...music that these guys have worked hard to put together for their friends and for the love of the industry and music itself! All these bands are just following their dreams...stop hating!!

  12. Congratulations to Godhunter for pulling out a hard fought victory and thanks to Heavy Planet for putting this contest together. It was an honor to even be included in the first place. As many have mentioned, the purpose of this contest is to increase exposure and create new networking possibilities. We have been introduced to a number of great bands and that's really what it is all about. As for the vote spamming, I'll just say take a look at our website, www.clamfight.com. We've been a band since 2002 and it still says "coming soon." Do you really think we can figure out how to spam a friendly contest? Enough said. Congrats once again to Godhunter and thanks to everyone who bought our and everyone else's albums.

  13. Congrats Godhunter! Congrats Clamfight, as well. Both excellent bands, as goes for all involved in our March Bandness 2012!

  14. A simple google search for "godhunter march bandness" reveals their message board (on Global Domination) (It should be the second search result) on which they admit to cheating on this poll using automated spamming methods as well as vote multiplication strategies, starting on page 3 of the "March Bandness" thread. It includes a post about using a spam method to vote for clamfight on page 4, posted no 3/31.

    The pages should also be cached on google, and also the webpages have been saved and screen captures taken of the entire thread.

    It's despicable how they can lie to everyone's faces about not cheating, yet laugh about it publicly on their message board. Heavyplanet publishing them as winners is undeserved and unearned publicity. I hope Heavyplanet can disqualify them and award the victory to some other band who did not cheat.

    1. The thing is, a lot of bands' fans were cheating, not just Godhunter's. If you're not intelligent enough to see that, then you should probably just shut up. Multiple bands were jumping by hundreds of votes in minutes throughout the contest.

      Look at One-Eyed King's run through the contest. Should a band that's been around for 9 months with 100 fans really rack up 1500 votes in one round? Or how about Clamfight, who had nearly as many votes in the final round as Godhunter. Which band's tally was fair there? I say neither.

      Oh, and the EXACT same thing happened last year too. The worst you can accuse Godhunter if is cheating slightly better than everyone else was cheating. The problem is not the bands involved, it's the fans that go to extreme measures to ensure their favorite band wins.

      So, since you're probably associated with one of the bands that didn't "win" (which is funny, seeing as there was no prize), you're probably just full of sour grapes right now. Get over it, move on, find some new fans for your band, or your friends' band, or maybe just shut the fuck up since the people in charge of this don't seem to think it's much of an issue.

    2. Well, if you'd take the time to read what I wrote, there is evidence of a member on Godhunter's website openly admitted to generating those thousand votes for Clamfight. One of the band members applauded him. It's all cached on google, even though the thread conveniently no longer exists. So if you don't conveniently ignore that proof of cheating, then it's pretty clear that Godhunter was rigging the vote.

      So contrary to what you say, no, it's not just a fan involved, a band member also applauded this action. So yes, a member of Godhunter is part of the problem.

      Of course some other bands cheated. But it was clear some didn't (unless you call generating 40 votes cheating), so I was saying award the victory to that band, not necessarily the next runner-up. So if you could actually understand the meaning of what is written rather than what you want it to mean, maybe you’d have a right to call someone unintelligent.

      And regarding "win," you can win a pickup sports game, or a single-player computer game, yes? No prize there. I never said there was a physical prize. You like to conveniently ascribe meaning where there is none. You dumb ass. Of course, though, there are a few "prizes" that everyone here was aiming to win: satisfaction for having earned more votes, as well as publicity from getting promoted on the front page of this website. Any intelligent person could see that. You dumb ass. Since Godhunter cheated, I feel that they did not deserve either, sorry. I'm sure anyone with a somewhat working moral compass would agree with me.

      Also, the person in charge of this poll, Bill from the Soda Shop, in the next post below seems to think it is an issue. I have a real problem with people like you who lie and twist things just to try to get their way or make themselves feel better about doing something wrong. You're also a rude prick.

      And while we're conjecturing here, you sound like a member of Godhunter who got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. You dumb ass.

      Have a great day and go fuck yourself. :)

  15. Everyone, this is Bill from The Soda Shop. I want to thank everyone that was involved with the tournament. It was fun finding and displaying new bands to a wealth of fans throughout. This was only the 2nd year we've done this and we look forward to bringing you a new tournament next year.

    To address the voting this year, it appears that there was probably a few dishonest individuals finding means to vote more than once each day. I'm not talking about the person who voted once from their phone and then their computer, there were some taking more extreme measures. To those people, shame on you. For some, you took the fun out of voting. Next years tourny will have different measures in place to try to prevent any "hacking" to the voting. I'm not blaming any of the bands for being behind any of the "hacking." Letting the fans know about it through their websites and social connections are fine and expected.

    The whole point of this tournament is to discover new bands, give them some exposure and have fun. There is no real prize like a recording contract or anything like that. The winner (Godhunter) will receive a few new mentions and some articles with them in the future on both Heavy Planet and The Soda Shop. That has always been the intention.

    As I said before, next year we will have a different method in place which may or may not include captchas. Details will come next year as the 2012 tourny has come to a close. Thank you again to all involved, the bands and fans.


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