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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Band To Burn One To:THE MOSS (Now FELLWOODS)

The Moss (now Fellwoods) is today's "NEW BAND TO BURN ONE TO".


The Moss formed in the Summer of 2009 with Adam Burke and Ben Spencer. Adam and Ben had met in college in North Idaho and played in a couple bands together for about 7 years. The longest running was a garage punk band called The Real Pills. They moved to Portland, and split up after a couple years, with Adam going on to start a family while Ben played in noise/garage masters The Hunches. In spring of 2009, Adam and Ben were chatting about their love of heavy, diabolical riffs and started forming the idea for a band. The earliest influences were bands like Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Leaf Hound, Captain Beyond and Sir Lord Baltimore. Beth Borland started playing with us on a lark, but we realized she fit in perfectly. We set about finding a “tasteful shredder”, and after turning down quite a few, found Tony Pacific and his excellent shredding and writing skills. The band started to gel immediately with the songs pouring out. Personalities fit nicely too, so we got together a set and started playing around town. The influences expanded to include lesser known bands like Il Balletto di Bronzo, Nightsun, Hairy Chapter, Highway Robbery and many others. We recorded a 12 song demo surrounding the theme of an innocent maiden turned vengeful forest witch. We are shopping this demo around to labels while continuing to play and write. The current songs are themed more around a space saga, and maybe be released as an ep in the not-too-distant future.


"Immensely inspired by late 60s early 70s hard rock, Portland, OR band The Moss scorch a path of blistering retro prog rock guaranteed to blow your mind. The tight murky grooves twist around a steady but profound rhythm as the nasally tenor protrudes through the garage-rock sounding mix.  These pych-blues nuggets exude everything great about that period of rock, right down to the production.  The music is raucus, captivating and best of all fun. Give these dudes a listen today and hear for yourself."~Reg



  1. Hey, we have a Bandcamp page with the whole demo if you like. Thanks for the review Heavy Planet!


  2. These guys (and gal) are great! BUY THEIR STUFF!

  3. Thanks Hesh! - The Moss


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