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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Band To Burn One To- Scumbag Travel Agency

The "New Band To Burn One To" today is Scumbag Travel Agency.


"Scumbag Travel Agency originated in 2006, as Erik "Scumbag" Skundberg's one man band. Having lived the rock n'roll-life for some years, Skundberg found the way back to his hometown outside Gjøvik, Norway.

From his bedroom he started to make heavy, energetic stoner rock. With himself on drums, bass, guitars and vocals, Skundberg recorded a number of songs and ideas. In the summer of 2009, he had a demo recorded in a studio in Gjøvik consisting of the songs Slow Burning, Step Up and Star F * ck Machine. The demo gained massive positive response on YouTube, MySpace and the Norwegian Urørt page. People demanded to hear and see this live, and Skundberg began to look for a band. In the autumn of 2010 "Scumbag" finally had his Travel Agency going with Vemund Vasshaug on bass guitar and Tony Søndbø on drums.

The band has finally started to rock stages all around Norway and spread their catchy, tight and insanely addictive version of stoner rock. STA has set it's course and first in line is to leave all venues hanging for more and crowds screaming for extra doses of the instant fix of STA's traveling groove machine."

The feeling you get while listening to Norway's Scumbag Travel Agency is like having the wind blowing through your hair while driving through the desert with the top down (albeit possibly quite cold in Norway and no deserts in sight). Melodic, hard driving and blazing, this band has some pretty cool stoner rock jams to get the blood flowing. Check'em out.


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