As also seen on The Soda Shop
Today's New Band To Burn One To is Beam Orchestra. Thanks to Planetfuzz for featuring them.
Beam Orchestra is a 3 piece out of Germany. They play a fuzzed out grunge/stoner rock. It's pretty heavy with some pretty memorable grooves.
Beam Orchestra sind eine 3er - Combo aus dem Kreis Freiberg (Sachs), die sich im September ‘08 zusammengefunden hat um sich dem Rock ‘N’ Roll, Blues, Funk und Stoner- Rock zu verpflichten. Dabei werden die Stile kombiniert und zu einem neuen Ganzen vereint. Ab Mitte des Jahres 2009 verfällt man jedoch immer mehr dem Stoner- Rock.Check out their free Demo HERE or HERE
Anfangs als Nebenprojekt geplant, entwickelte es sich mehr und mehr zum Hauptprojekt der Drei.
Google Translation:
Beam Orchestra are a 3 - Combo from among Freiberg (Sachs), which came together in September '08 to commit themselves to the Rock 'N' Roll, Blues, Funk and Stoner-Rock. Here are the styles are combined and integrated into a new whole. From mid-2009 one falls, more and more the Stoner-Rock. Initially planned as a side project, it became more and more the main project of the three.
Great! I found their demo at the myspace blog:
I like it, let's keep an eye on their stuff!