As also seen on The Soda Shop
A few days ago I featured Geronimo! as a New Band To Burn One To here and on The Soda Shop. I had a chance to listen to the album and at the time I couldn't really decide if I liked it or not. Upon a second, third and fourth listen I think this is a really brilliant album. It's quick, it's quirky, it rocks and as part of the album title says, it's fuzzy.
The opening track, Thunderbattles," had me thinking I was listen to Alice in Chains. The songs starts out a lot like "I Don't know Anything" by the legendary band however it quickly changes pace and separates itself. "Design Yourself A Heart" continues the fastness but by the third song, "Fill Me Up," it slows down a bit and becomes a little more ambient sounding and mellow but picks up steam. "Deep Warmth" is an almost 8 minute ambient track that changes speed throughout. It doesn't get really heavy and even has a 90's alternative rock feel to it. it really mellows out at the end. It really should have been the last track on the album but it still fits in well where it's at. The last track, "Judgment Day" features some really well played out acoustic guitar as well as a brass section. It's a little weird at first but after you listen to the track you can really appreciate it.
Geronimo! have been around for about 3 years and I find it odd that I'm only hearing about them now seeing that we share the same hometown. No time like the present though. The album is still fairly new and now I'm glad I can share in spreading the buzz about this fine album. The first listen waas good but after multiple listens, I'm really hooked on it and like it a lot. Check the band out on their Myspace page, feel free to download the first track off their album and if you like it, buy thr album from the band. It only cots $5.
Geronimo! links Myspace / Thunderbattles (free download) / Facebook / Buy the album
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