Todays New Band To Burn One To is from Chicago. They are a psychedelic stoner jam band. Here's their bio:
The Lert Somboon Festival of Love is a rock power trio from Chicago, Illinois. They performed in the Midwest on and off since 1987, and this is their first CD collection of songs. Members include Steve Ediger on vocals and bass, Evan Singer on guitar and J.J. Tindall on drums. Their style has been compared to Neo-psychedelic and Stoner Metal bands like Sleep, Killdozer, and Pontiak. The sludgy, fuzz guitars, sloppy, psychedelic leads, hairy bass, spacey noise jams, galloping and creeping rhythms, and organic drums contributed to the early 90's Chicago band scene and they continue on with their unique sound.
Frank Zappa, Sleep, OM, Killdozer, and Tom Lehrer are listed as their influences.
Very cool stuff indeed. Since they're local to me, they've perked my interest to go and check them out live.

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