Clavius Productions, Detournement Productions, and Ol` Scratch Industries are proud to present the third installment of the 20 Buck Spin festival - and first since 2005 - featuring such doom-metal legends as Joe Hasselvande and Dale Flood and Al Morris, as well as modern sludge and doom powerhouses like Sourvein and Orodruin. And if we`re lucky, we might be blessed by an appearance from "the Ghoul".
Velvet Lounge
915 U St NW WDC
Friday, October 31
The Hounds of Hasselvander (featuring Joe Hasselvander of Pentagram/Raven/Blue Cheer)
Iron Man (Blacker than Black Sabbath!)
Unorthodox (now with drummer extraordinaire Ronnie Kalimon)
Ol` Scratch (VA sludge/doom)
Lobo (ex-VOG)
$12, doors at 8 pm, 18+
Sorry, a little late on this news.
Saturday, November 1
Earthride (MD doom, Southern Lord)
Sourvein (NC sludge, Southern Lord)
Valkyrie (VA)
Orodruin (Rochester, NY)
Against Nature (MD doom, mem. of Revelation)
Chowder (MD)
Hatchetface (Philly femme-metal)
Oak (Baltimore sludge)
Electric Horsemen (PA doom)
$15, doors at 4pm, 18+!
Electric Horsemen were the only thing good at this festival.