"You might think that after playing in bands for over a decade and a
half, touring constantly in shitty vans to small towns you've never
heard of, might instill the desire to make your new project, I don't
know, a lucrative one. Molding their creative output to something
that sells, for whatever reason, never really crossed the minds of the
four members of Quest For Fire, however. The sonic assault that
these guys unleash onto unsuspecting listeners in a live setting
through their sometimes 10+ minute journeys can either send the
faint of heart running, holding onto their hats, or lift their minds
and souls to levels normally only achieved by ingesting far too many
illegal substances that we here at Storyboard know nothing about.
Fortunately for all of us, the majority falls into the latter.
The band, made up of Andrew Moszynski (guitar), Chad Ross
(guitar, vocals), Mike Maxymuik (drums), and Josh Bauman (bass),
had spent a little over a year holed up in a small practice space near
Toronto's heavily industrialized lakeshore, quietly refining their
vision while their other bands toured incessantly and disintegrated
slowly. Upon the inevitable demise of Canada's most beloved garage
rock underdogs, The Deadly Snakes, of which Andrew and Chad
were core members, Quest For Fire began to prepare for their great
unveiling before Toronto's unwary rock scene. Mike, however, was
knee deep in the production of the gargantuan third full length from
his band Cursed, of which he'd been a member of since its
inception in 2001. They started things off slowly if not loudly. On a
hot August night in 2007 the band made their first appearance at 'the
Boat', one of Toronto's most cherished dive bars located in
Kensington Market. Escorted to and from the show in a friends
suped-up 1960's black hearse, Quest For Fire had simply stated that,
like old man Death himself, they were not taking any prisoners. From
that point on word spread like, well, wild fire. They quickly became
the city's most sought-after and mysterious new bands. Show offers
came flooding in to open for high profile acts such as Black
Mountain, Ladyhawk, Eric's Trip, Attack In Black, and Pride
Tiger at their Halloween hell-raiser at the Horseshoe Tavern. Their
thunderous sonic blitzkrieg was a little much for the Montreal Police
Department to handle, however, resulting in their debut at the Pop
Festival getting shut down, fortunately not before having already
delivered a jaw-dropping and mind altering performance.
With the untimely death of Cursed after a nightmarish European
tour in May of 2008, severing Mike from any other musical
commitments, and with their new album being released on July 15th,
nearly one year following their first performance, Quest For Fire
have proven that they are ready and willing to more than fill the
shoes of past bands, and forge ahead as one of Canada's next rock n
roll overlords."
Track Listing:
01. Bison Eyes (4:05) (MP3)
02. Strange Waves (7:36)
03. Hawk That Hunts The Walking (8:44)
04. I've Been Trying To Leave (6:16)
05. You Are Always Loved (7:23)
06. Next To The Fire (9:09)
"I've Been Trying To Leave"
(Video by Rick White)
Storyboard Label
Their new CD is scheduled for release on July 15th.
You can purchase the CD at one of the above websites.
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