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Sunday, February 17, 2008
100% On Guitar Hero II-The Sword-"Freya" (Expert), Also Guitar Hero Aerosmith Confirmed
I'm sure many of you may have played or at least have heard about the game Guitar Hero by now. If you haven't, then you are either living under a rock or living in a cave. Anyways, when I first heard about the game I couldn't wait to play the Black Sabbath songs. I never learned to play a real guitar but I could play a mean air guitar, so I thought Guitar Hero would be right up my alley. Well, I got through all the songs rather easily, although on "easy" my fingers wanted to go faster than what was transpiring on the screen so I couldn't wait to get to the "medium" level. I managed to get through all of the songs on "medium" also. Then I tried the "hard" level and it simply blew my mind. I am still trying to get through the "hard" level to this day. It is beyond me how someone can get 100% on every song on the "expert" level. I think I do pretty decent for not being an avid gamer or knowing how to play an actual guitar. What helped me was simply knowing the songs. I could hit most of the lead guitar parts better than the chord changes. One thing that is truly cool about Guitar Hero is that it is introducing the younger generation to some of the greatest music ever made. Next up for Guitar Hero is an all Aerosmith version of the game. I have provided a few cool items for you to check out. One is an article confirming the Aerosmith version of the game and the other is this dude that achieved a 100% on the "expert" level of "Freya" by The Sword. I think they should release an all metal version of the game. Let me know what you think.
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