Show o' hands, kids... How many of you think the Midwest United States is little more than cornfields and cold winters? Alright, keeping those hands up... How many have heard The Midnight Ghost Train, Fister, Poney, or Threefold Law? Well, there's more to the Midwest than grain, slick driveways, and long-cut Copenhagen. These 21 bands exemplify an edge that's impossible to dismiss once you've let down your guard. Check in with Grip of Delusion Radio this Sunday, April 22nd, from 4:00pm to 6:00pm EST for a reason to ignore those truck stops and stay for the night. Honest Abe Lincoln loved Illinois for a reason, and that reason was The Atlas Moth (would we bullshit you?).
Here's your beefy lineup...
1. The Midnight Ghost Train - Mustache (Topeka)
2. Buried At Sea - The Dogs of Doom are Howling More (Chicago)
3. Lord Green - Flying (Quad Cities)
4. Hunters - Grime Maiden (Chicago)
5. The Atlas Moth - Perpetual Generations (Chicago)
6. Radio Moscow - Broke Down (Story City)
7. Mondo Drag - New Rituals (Davenport)
8. Fister - Mazda of Puppets (St. Louis)
9. YOUWRETCH - The Rider (Minneapolis)
10. A Place Of Owls - As We Commit Our Dead (Minneapolis)
11. The Mound Builders - Ironhide (Lafayette)
12. Jesus Chrystler - The Pit (La Porte)
13. The Heavy Company - Wormweed (Lafayette)
14. Speaker Eater - The Indoctrination (Wausau)
15. Poney - Stormblast (Wausau)
16. Droids Attack - Must Destroy (Madison)
17. Buffalo Witch - The Beast (Grand Rapids)
18. Sea of Zyn - Idolatry (Detroit)
19. Ravenna Arsenal - The Empress (Kent)
20. Valley of the Sun - Mariner's Tale (Cincinnati)
21. Threefold Law - Water (Cleveland)
Wanna hear what the rest o' the world sounds like? Click here for Heavy Planet's ever-expanding catalog of riveting podcasts!
"Honest Abe Lincoln loved Illinois for a reason, and that reason was The Atlas Moth (would we bullshit you?)." Nice!!!!!!!!