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If you are looking for new Stoner Rock, Doom, Heavy Psych or Sludge Metal bands, then you have come to the right place. Heavy Planet has been providing free promotion to independent and unsigned bands since 2008. Find your next favorite band at Heavy Planet. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I'm Baaaaaaaccckkkk!

Hey people, I'm back! I wish I could say that I had a great vacation but I didn't. It all started off with a huge accident on I-95 in South Carolina where we sat in traffic for nearly two hours after a motorhome carrying a group of people crashed into another vehicle. There were three life flight helicopters that landed as both lanes of the highway were closed. We never did hear what happened to any of the passengers, but it was not a very pretty site. We just prayed that everyone was ok. Next, the weather was horrible. There were record cold temperatures, rain just about every day except for the last day, and wind gusts up to 35 mph making it feel much colder. The average temp. for Hilton Head this time of year is 85 and the average rainfall is 5.67". I think we got that amount in the first three days we were there. The high for one day was only 63 degrees where I heard was the lowest there since 1913. Also, my wife's cousin got stung in the achilles by a stingray, man did that look painful. On the bright side, I'm just glad we made it home safely and had a chance to drink a lot of beer and listen to some great tunes while being in some otherwise pleasant surroundings. Unfortunately, I didn't have internet access at the house we were staying at so I didn't have time to post. Go figure, a million dollar house with no internet access. WTF. Just for your information, that sounds like a lot but to rent the house for the week was only $2000 split between 4 couples.

Alright, enough blabbing about my vacation. I was contemplating a few changes to the blog. Here they are and please let me know what you think. I want this to be your blog as well as mine.

1. Eliminate News stories-You can go to Blabbermouth.net and StonerRock.com for the latest scoop.

2. Keep the Album Of The Week

3. Try to post more "New Bands To Burn One To"-Unbelievably, I do not really get many sent to me. (Only 1 while I was gone, and I think five lined up since the middle of April)

4. More free album downloads -If you guys have anything, please send the link to me)

5. Eliminate the Heavy Planet Store-I hate to do this because it took so long to create it but nobody buys CDs anymore anyways.

6. No Reviews-One thing that I really do not want to do is write reviews. Just not something I really like to do and I believe there are enough great reviews posted on other sites whose opinions matter much more than mine, plus at least most of them get paid for writing theirs.

7. Reader interaction-I am hoping that maybe some of you would be interested on occasion contributing your thoughts on a band. Whether it is a review, a band you dig and want other people to hear, whatever, I'm all ears.

8. More Videos

That is really all that I can think of. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!


  1. Good to have you back! It all sounds good, lets see how it works!

  2. Yes that all sounds good (not the accident of course!). I think more frequent band profiles and less of the news would be good especially.


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