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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Zac's "Double Dose": Dryasdust / Galvano

Dryasdust: Demo 

Who's in the mood for some Scandinavian music??? Anyone? Well, I am and that's what we're getting into in today's 'Dose.  We'll start in Finland with Dryasdust and their October released demo.  The instrumentals were recorded live while the vocals were added later.  Which was honestly surprising to me because the sound is great, really.  Dryasdust are a young band, forming only six months ago, but the trio's experience reach back into the '90s and their sound back into the '60s.  By applying dynamic shifts through each track Dryasdust make the heavy just that much heavier.  The band plays tricks on the listeners mind by transitioning from a quiet and completely mellow state of sound and swelling into a bass heavy, percussion heavy, guitar heavy, and all around heavy aura.  Ancient psychedelia at its purest.  I haven't even mentioned Antti's phenomenally fit vocals.  Just the crazed and deranged tinge Dryasdust needed.  This Finnish demo could very well be the top retro-rock album of the year and with it streaming at bandcamp you've no excuse not to give Dryasdust a spin.  

Antti - Vocals // Guitars 
Janne - Bass 
Pentele - Drums


Galvano: Two Titans 

You may recall Galvano, a Swedish trio with a monumental sludge sound, from the NBTBOT feature. Reg introduce the three-some about a year ago as a melding pot of "skull numbing fuzzed-out stoner doom" and dynamic progressive metal. Well, one factor has since changed. Galvano now ride as a duo, but don't think for an instance that changed the shear mass of their sound. Mattias and Fredrik have returned with their full length release Two Titans, a fitting title, in grand form. Listeners can expect more fuzzed out doom with a dynamic transfusion of progressive timing and a buried, albeit aggressive, vocal. You can spin my favorite track Maelstrom below and, thanks to Devouter Records, stream the experimental-sludge masterpiece at soundcloud. Copies and other merch can be purchased at Galvano's Big Cartel web-store. Check it out now!


Mattias Nööjd - Guitars // Vocals 
Fredrik Käll - Drums

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