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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Zac's "Double Dose": Angkara / Volume IV


I hope you ate your Wheaties this morning kiddo's, because today's first dose is punishing and I promise you are going to need all of your energy. Welcome Angkara, hailing all the way from Jakarta, Indonesia. This doesn't quite fit into the 'doom' category you may have been expecting, Angkara are pretty much straight death-metal, with touches of progressive psychedelia. The trio got started back in 2008 meddling with metalcore and later decided to play with the sounds of death and thrash metal, while adding some ancient Arabian influences. Check out the track Ambang Kematian streaming at reverbnation, and tell me that isn't some of the most passionate and over-powering extreme metal you've heard.


Haidar Syakir - Guitar // Vocals 
Lutfhi Utomo - Vocals // Bass 
Rizky Renaldy Putra - Drum


Volume IV: Kong 

Dropping any need to 'genre-ize' their sound Volume IV cut straight to the point... that this is heavy music and they don't need any extra adjectives. What you're going to find is the mastery of the RIFF and skins, with ample bass, and a whiskey drenched throat that is working on a four week bender. All of which in praise to Motorhead, 'Maiden, and 'Sabbath. Lets face it, if you're here reading Heavy Planet, Volume IV is the band you're looking for. Check out Kong below and find more Volume IV rock at bandcamp

 "Volume IV... a band that can piss in the tall grass with the big dogs."


Blake Parris - Bass 
Joe Carpenter - Guitar // Vocal 
Troy King - Drums

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