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Friday, September 2, 2011

New Band To Burn One To (Morning Buzz): SUBSILENCE

SUBSILENCE is today's "NEW BAND TO BURN ONE TO"  Morning Buzz...


Subsilence started life the latter end of 2007 when Ed started listening to too much Candlemass and learned how to write riffs. After filling a book of ideas he scoured the planet looking for the world's finest doom musicians, but in the end had to settle for Pete, Ana and Bertie - who were basically just the only chumps in the area with enough time on their hands. But they started jamming using Ed's riffs under the premise that we were playing 'Doom'.

And the music was good; a big riff-tacular mix of heavyness, growling vocals, grooving drums and nimble basslines - too fast to be just doom, too bleak to be just stoner. After arguing for many months over what to call our little metallic collective, 'Subsilence' was chosen after the realisation that no-one had thought of it before, and the idea that our sound was so bassy it was below actual silence was kinda cool.

Having played gigs with bands like Dopefight, Dead Existence, XII Boar and many others up and down the country and after recording a demo EP with Winterfylleth front man Chris Naughton, Subsilence finally released our debut album Granite Planet in July 2011.

"Firmly entrenched in a pit of thick as tar riffs, Subsilence from the UK exudes a menacing brand of Stoner/Doom metal. Smooth fuzzy grooves, mellow bass lines and mid-tempo rhythms are glorified by the muddied warble of the vocals which bring out the bands true intention, to be Evil as Hell!"

Listen to the entire album stream below.


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