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"Last Rizla’s sound is definitely heavy and isn’t boring at all! It is truly a melting pot of styles ranging from space-psychedelic rock to fuzzy desert-stoner rock with pinches of doom, hardcore, jazz and even a hint of reggae …(Doomed To Be Stoned In A Sludgeswamp)
"They make a bridge between the dark and emotional sound of Tool, they add some System of a down feel to it, it has the heavy almost tangible angst and agression from Henry Rollins, some nice postrock like angels, every now and the a hinch of dub, a punk ethic, a thriving almost pulsing bass line, rudimantary guitars that are always in touch with the feel of each song, the doomy athmosphere of Anathema's Silent Enigma record...(Open Your Arms And Welcome)
Nearest comparison with two plays seems to be "These Arms are Snakes" crossed with the "Melvins" ..... very interesting stuff.