Prowling and plodding from the dark, the Sons' return, cave dwellers from another time in a land before time. The age of dinosaur Rock is upon us and the offspring of one Otis -- man, beast, something wicked, not of this earth -- unleashes an impenetrable doom that'll leave a horrific imprint across any and all life forms hapless enough to cross its path.
"Losin' It," causes your blood to drain dry. It's a lifeless, emotionless, dead signal of a song. It's a bruising beat, slowed to a near crawl... a barbiturate-like effect that drones and dulls every nerve fiber in your body. It's backwards Sabbath for worshippers of the stone, seed and psychedelic beast. "Songs for Worship" follows Sons of Otis' "Templeball" release from a few years ago. It's a different year, different label (previously could be found on, yup, Man's Ruin) but it's the same sound -- exactly the same.
Built on the heavy handedness of the mighty, er, Sabbath, and a depth of drudge unparalleled even by today's standards, Sons of Otis ride with the Devil, a slow, painful trip straight down… burying the needle inasmuch as themselves in a sea of slugs and sludge.
For all its darkness and impending Doom, Sons of Otis embrace an astral element that radiates amidst and among these eight tracks that, when they're not sucking the breath from your already wilted body, will transport you into deep space, firing up the jet boosters and leaving three decades' worth of organic growth to its unsettled path.
"Songs for Worship" rings hollow, dreadful and devoid of any real feeling. It's a 33rpm accidentally notched down to 78 and left for dead -- an acquired taste that fellow Doom travelers and disciples of dementia will approve of knowingly, having lived to tell of previous flashbacks with eternal damnation, previously rundown by the brute force of the Sabbaths, Sloths, Goblins and Wizards. (Vinnie Apicella,
Track Listing:
01. The Hunted
02. Losin' It
03. I'm Gone
04. The Other Side
05. Cold CIty Blues
06. In From The Storm
07. Tankard II
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