Heavy Planet presents...FiNSKA
Today's "New Band To Burn One To" is from Bjelovar, Croatia.
Band Bio:
"FiNSKA is an instrumental trio from Bjelovar, Croatia. The creative process started in June 2011. when the band began with instrumental sessions to see what kind of music would satisfy all band members. The basic philosophy behind FiNSKA's music is that songs should be relatively short, unusually structured and with enough groove."
In a matter of fifteen minutes Croatia's FiNSKA manage to travel through multiple states of being, leaving the listener with one option.. to spin the tracks again and decode what has just been experienced. The artists music is unstructured, proving their creative cortex. If you are looking for moments of haunting terror, industrial chaos, and anything to let your imagination run wild check out their EP Perverted Lollipops at bandcamp.
Bojan Gatalica - Guitar
Davor Stojan - Drums
Miran Kapelac - Bass
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