Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Zac's "Double Dose": Aquanaut / Romero

Aquanaut: Sunken Ark 

Aquanaut is a pschedelic doom "juggernaut" from the Pacific Northwest town of Vancouver, British Columbia. Their release Sunken Ark dropped at bandcamp this April (2012). The quartet use a combination of slow and mid paced-tempos, trippy keyboard frequencies, and and plenty of distorted thrash style guitar solos. The use of vocals are kept to a minimum, usually arriving late in the ten plus minutes tracks, but always intense. I would describe them as a mix of hardcore shouts and sludge growls. Sunken Ark runs approximately forty five minutes with seemless transitions between the sonic soundscapes to crushing sludge and back. I recommend checking out the second track Flying Fortress, below, during a thunderstorm (the ambience and energry fit quite well together). By the way, Aquanaut is offering this as a free download... why shouldn't you give them a closer listen?

 Bloody Al - Drums 
David R - Guitars / Vocals 
Jamie Quast - Bass 
V.Vecker - Organ


Romero: Couch Lock Single 

With a plodding pace and visceral shout Romero are off, dragging your bruised skull steadily through their mix of punk, doom, and sludge. Romero's latest release Couch Lock Single, is made up of two killer yet diverse tracks. The first, the title track, Couch Lock stays within the realm of doom meandering along a bassline for two plus minutes. At that point a fierce scream turns the depressive gloom into a sludge nightmare. Soon after we find ourselves riding a stoner riff like a wave. The almighty riffage continues to carry us, although at a groovier pace than previous, with In The Heather. The vocals are sung much cleaner here, with Baroness-esque shouts of "Whoaaaa-ooohhhh!". The rhythym steps the beat up and carries us through the remainder of Romero's single. Check out these two tracks at Romero's bandcamp and remember...
"ROMERO spreads like a weed."

Ben Brooks - Drums / Vocals 
Jeffrey Mundt - Guitars / Vocals 
Steve Stanczyk - Bass

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