Monday, May 28, 2012

New Band To Burn One To: Alice Tambourine Lover

Today's New Band To Burn One To hails from Bologna, Italia...


Alice Tambourine Lover is the new project of singer Alice Albertazzi and bassist Gianfranco Romanelli of Alix (Italian psychedelic rock band).  Their first album, titled Naked Songs, was released in March of 2012 by Go Down Records (vinyl and CD); an album that contains nine visionary melodies, psych riffs of slide guitar, and sinuous bass grooves for lovers of desert sound in the best tradition of psychedelic / folk / blues.


On Naked Songs, Alice Tambourine Lover take us on the most bare and basic of trips.  The Mazzy Star comparisons will try to detract from this sound, but the point would be missed.  These nine tracks are organic and stripped to the bone, complete with a feminine perspective not often enjoyed by desert-combers (but fans of PJ Harvey, like myself, just may collapse in awe).  I'm always up for a change of pace, and this disc was the perfect complement to a hazy, laid-back evening.  Romanelli's guitar warbles and fuzzes out without coughing, while Albertazzi's vocal is demanding, confident, and hauntingly sexy.  

Angels Gone would air perfectly at my backyard campfire, Naked Lady will spook the lonely soul in a half-filled lounge, and Pills of Fire sends us to bed with stolen thoughts and restless tosses.  Sometimes a woman's voice hits deeper (without necessarily hitting harder) than anything.  Pair the gorgeous siren with cool stoner slides and you've got a recipe for some cool jams.  If you don't immediately swoon, you're too busy waiting for the weed to take its course.  Hit play on Let Desires Come and drift into tomorrow; this is bliss.

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