Tuesday, November 9, 2010
New Band To Burn One To-Lost Coves
The "New Band To Burn One To" today is Lost Coves. Lost Coves are a trippy psychedelic rock band from Brooklyn, NY. Upon first listen to the track "Dead Weight", I knew that listening to the rest of the EP would be an interesting trip. Consisting of only 2 band members: Dylan on Bass and Bill on Drums, the two manage to compel the listener with their strange rhythms and adventurous form of psychedelia. I personally cannot peg any one genre on these guys but their bio below pretty much sums it up. Enjoy the trip!
"Lost Coves stems from boredom and ambition colliding at monumental trajectories. And so we make music. We don't really write songs as much as build movements based on rhythm, feedback and melody. Think Melvins and Herbie Hancock on tour with Beast In The Field arguing over the influential importance of Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin on heavy metal, singing along to the Deftones and Bjork with Portishead on deck, playing air drums to Helmet and Pantera, burning one to Kyuss and Clutch, and driving drunk blasting ZZ Top Tres Hombres."
What others are saying:
"It’s pretty safe to say that Lost Coves are not for traditionalists, as they don’t fall neatly into any genre grouping that I can think of. They’re a little bit of everything I like about the avant-garde side of rock n’ roll, and they’ve got an ability that never exceeds their grasp. In other words, they’re an ambitious lot that still realizes making good music is about writing songs with replay value, even if you are doing it in a way that could be defined as progressive or moderately inaccessible." -http://www.hellridemusic.com/
"It flows together like one long compostion, tracks on the cd serving more as mile markers as you travel down this lost highway, disoriented and unsure of what menace lurks around the next corner. The journey begins innocuously enough, with a serene, swimmy intro that could be something from Colour Haze, the calm soon being shattered by a jarring dissonant chord that announces the darkness within. What follows is 26 minutes of shadowy musical hallucinations, conjuring a mutated, psychopathic Radiohead mixed with a bit of Unsane(minus the bluesy aspect) and a heavier, less brittle version of Shellac. Introspective Indie rock moments morphing into heavy, monolithic, dissonant riffing, all the while with trippy delay feedback as a swirling, churning backdrop to the whole schizoid odyssey." -http://www.stonerrock.com/
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