Monday, June 29, 2015

New Band To Burn One To: The Cosmic Nod

Heavy instrumental psychedelic stoner jams are at the top of our food chain for today’s New Band To Burn One To with Cardiff, Wales’, The Cosmic Nod, pummelling the very fabric of your existence with 30 minutes of Earthless inspired jamming to really makes you question your reality.

Featuring two members of The Witches Drum (Owen Griffiths and Mat Warren), the band have just released a two-track self-titled EP featuring the 15 minute ‘Black Rubber’ and the 13 minute ‘Old Hemp’, both ripping psychedelic jams drifting in between spaced out acid tripping wails, and heavy fuzz-like riffing that pounds your skull into a gnarly blend of stoner rock and psychosis induced head bangs. These guys (including Luke Llewellyn, Tom Rees, Grant Jones) wear their influences on their sleeves, but it’s a sound done with passion and skill that not many others can successfully pull off, Thankfully though, The Cosmic Nod have found the perfect balance to make a sound that really hits that psychedelic jamming hole in your soul you’ve been crying out for.

1 comment:

  1. Caught them live at the moon club in Cardiff. Amazing.


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