Thursday, May 7, 2015

A few words...

Over the last 8 plus years or so, we have done our best to bring you what we believe to be some of the best new bands to hit the Stoner/Doom/Sludge scene. We have done so without much fanfare and have accumulated quite a following on this site as well as our Facebook pages and Twitter page. We appreciate that very much because we know that you love what we do.

Over the course of the last few years, we have had many writers come and go, and they will always remain part of the Heavy Planet family. With that being said, you may see that we don't post as frequently as we used to. Please understand that we all do this out of our passion for the music and do this in our spare time, which sometimes can be very challenging. I myself, just don't have the time to post like I used to. Believe me, I wish this could be my full-time "job". Unfortunately, it cannot be because it could never pay the bills.

Anyways, Heavy Planet has always been about bringing you some pretty awesome new music and we will continue to do just that via the ever popular "New Band To Burn One To" feature. Occasionally, you will see a newer feature that I rolled out a few months back called "Quick Hit" as well as the occasional EP and full-length album review. What you will no longer see is a "News" section on the site. It just takes up too much time and sees very few page views. If I feel that something is newsworthy, I will post it on Facebook.

Thanks to everyone that has been a loyal follower since the early days and a huge welcome to all of our new followers. If there is a band you really dig, please do not ever hesitate to share. That is what it is all about!

Cheers and beers!



  1. Just wanted to say I appreciate all the work you guys have put into this blog. Well written and informative, and always great, new bands to explore. Thanks! -- Steve

  2. I admit, I take it for granted what you do. I check the blog everyday in the hope of discovering yet another great band. Ive lost count how many albums ive downloaded because of heavy planet.Just want to say I appreciate everything you do, and wish I had the time and your writing talent to contribute to the blog. Thanks.

  3. Thanks Chris! Appreciate the comment.


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