Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New Band To Burn One To: SET

Heavy Planet presents... today's "New Band To Burn One To"-SET!

Band Bio:

SET is a 4 piece Stoner Doom/Metal band out of Worcester MA with Occult themed lyrics. The band started in Jan 2011.

"Upon listening to the latest EP from SET, I could have sworn that I was propelled back into the glory days of  NWOBHM . Mixing in amongst other elements is a chilling Stoner Doom groove and Occult-themed lyrics. With vocals that are primarily shouted and raw production, the band effortlessly shines on standout title track "Sacred Moon Cult" and my favorite "The Eagle". Ready, SET, Go and download this EP for free on their Bandcamp page." 
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  1. Sick find! Just listened to the bandcamp and this band fucking rules!

  2. Bunch of cool dudes, keep spreading the word

  3. Their shows are insane!


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